13 research outputs found

    Analysis of Community Behavior of Delay Tolerant Protocols

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    Abstract Delay tolerant networks constitute the category of Mobile Ad hoc Networks and are characterized by the ab-sence end-to-end path connectivity with limited data sources and power, where intermittent data communication is always a challenging task. To overcome this network partitioning, node mobility is exploited to increase message delivery in routing of these networks. Human mobility patterns have a great affect in increasing performance of routing protocol. In this paper, we have addressed, gathered and studied various routing protocols in DTNs that have used user mobility patterns for routing. These protocols use the constructive or destructive social characteristics for improving the performance in message forwarding. We have studied the impact of users social relationships on the protocols' performance

    Herbal medicine : Syzygium cumini :A Review

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    ABSTRACT Plants have provided mankind with herbal remedies for many diseases for many centuries and even to day. They continue to play a major role in primary healthcare as therapeutic remedies in developing countries. In India herbal medicines have been the bases of treatment and cure for various diseases in traditional methods practiced such as Ayurveda, Unani and Sidha . Syzygium cumini ( syn.Eugenia Jambolana ) commonly know as a " Jamun " having promising therapeutic value with its various phytoconstituents such as Tannins, Alkaloids, Steroids, Flavonoids, Terpenoids, Fatty acids, Phenols, Minerals, Carbohydrates and Vitamins. Its pharmacological actions like hypoglycaemic, diuretics, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiplaque, antimicrobial, antidiarrhoel, antioxidant,gastro-protective and astringent to bowels proven on animal models. Most importantly the studies have shown that it protects against the radiation induced DNA damage and it has significantly decreases the fertilizing capacity of the male albino rats, some clinical trial reports are also available for its antidiabetic activity

    ISSN: 2454-132X Impact factor: 4.295 Rural Electricity Stress Assessment for a Feeder in Maharashtra State

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    Abstract: Rural electrification is often considered to be the spine of the rural economy of a country. Rural electrification is seen to improve farm productivity and enhance overall improvement in health and education through better employment opportunities since rural areas traditionally depend on agriculture-related income generation activities. Our study realizes the need of rural electrification and focuses on the assessment of rural electricity stress. It would help us to tackle the stress on electricity consumers in villages through the analysis of certain parameters